Saturday, December 12, 2009

Where you are is a place I can't be

Where you are is a place I cant be
for when I look, all that i see
is not the depth, or heart you carry intrinsically
nor the warmth, care, or awe-inspiring beauty

What I see is myself, a reflection of me
like looking into a mirror, reflexively.
I see my bleak future, and past villainy
I see pain and heartbreak and wish to flee

When I sit and look at your wonderful free,
not wonderment beckons, but shackles encompass me
Not due to the sight, but they've been there completely
All this time chafing in ways that are killing me

Why do I worry about whats to come when today is so very sweet?

1 comment:

onlyfliesaway. said...

"all things good, are wild and free." and i have no doubt that with one flight of the soul, you will realize its own freedom within you as well.